Saturday, January 2, 2010

a fairy tale to inspire hope

I will tell you a tale of old and of new, of one who rules but again its of two.
Once apon a time there was a fair maiden, but she was differnt from the others, and so she was set aside. and at the same time there was a young prince ,raised off on a mountain far far away. He was very misunderstood, But very adored by the great king. And so the king had them raised in seperate lands, so that they would grow to be such far opposites that when they would find one another they would at first wrestle around with differences. but the king was anchient and wise, and he made them such so that they would compliment eachother, and between them have everything they needed to survive and trive, though he knew they would not at first understand, and hence take many steps back in order to take one large step forward. But the King he loved them both, and had great Hope and faith that they would triump for he provided them with the availability of his great councel. He wrote a book and sent it to the young maiden to memorize as she grew up, and being that she grew up in the mist of very dark forest, she used the illuminated pages of the book to light her path. The prince on the other hand was raised in the walls of a castle, protected from harm, he went around danger instead of through. The king had given him a gift also to guide him, it was a vow, written on the inside of a ring that didnt even fit his own ring finger, so he wore it on his little finger and at times grew frustrated with such a stupid thoughtless gift and shoved it low in his pocket. The vow said "To her be true the one I especialy created just to Love you, with a powerful Love she will bring, for she knows she is a diamond to this King." rhe prince thought the vow silly to and all his days ignored the king when he wispered great wisdom to him, but instead he surrounded himself with wretches who despised the king and mocked him, some twisting his words others speaking evils the prince thought sounded lovely compaired to the kings strict ways.
in the mean time the princes cherished the book, but never felt she deserved it. she fought through many trials, she learned to be true in word but stuggled with her own actions.but faithfully she read the words again and again and turned away from the darkness, and in so doing her heart became illuminated as the pages, and she remembered the words of the king, and she found great joy even in the darkness.her heart grew to be Gold from the magestys great wisdom. but she was still lonely, and longed for a companion. she met many people the king had also given a book to, but non of them noticed her and she started to feel un worthy.
back in the kingdom the prince was fed up , the king had given books to everyone it seemed but him, all he had was a ring that was useless to him, he tryed to talk to the book people, to join thier clubs ,but he never saw anything illuminated in any of them. he was angry with the king still and perhaps a bit blind to him for not even carring for his own son. but the king had brought out of this pain the ability for the prince to find the fair maiden, for only he would see her heart of Gold,and the king knew that only she would love the prince even if he renounced the wisdom of the king. for she could love him with the kings love, till all the bitterness would melt away.
Then the day came, the princes wanted to talk to the king, so she followed his voice up a mountain, and there amounst the bustling bussiness of the castle and kingdom. was a simple man hiding away from all the silliness. so the lady reached out and touched his arm. and from then on no matter thier differences, they were drawn to one another. for a few years all they did is stuggle. But the king stood back and watched. the prince was not ready to give his heart away,and he had long ago forgotten the vow on the ring lost deep in his pocket. The girl she loved him even though he was not what she had exspected.The king was pleased each time they survived a trial or tribulation, though he could see thier strife, they didnt understand one another. then one day wile serching for a key, the prince found the ring, it still made him feel so uncomfortable, but he felt illuminated next to her and for the firt time since he recived it as a child, he read the vow. but the words still didnt make since, still he wanted to give this girl that was so different something special and though he had much, he felt it wasnt what she wanted. so he handed her the ring, and she took it, but she didnt think she deserved it and so she didnt know what to give him back, all she had wrapped up for him was the old book, she had it all in her heart, every wise word of the king. it was what her heart was made of now. she wished she had a way to tell the price what those words had done in her, but the prince wasnt much for long late the pricess slowly gave him the book, and when he opened it he felt something different, hurt and anger from thepast, she was just one of those people, she couldnt understand him. she stood there holding the ring in confusion.what did this gift he gave he mean, for she couldnt read the vow, only the price could . and the price could not see the wisdom, only she could see it. so they turned away from one another, hurt and lonely, so very different that no-one would ever know that they had been set apart for eachother, to make eachother better.The prince needed to learn to make the girl feel special, like the diamond of the king, he had to learn to give up all fear and anger and be true to his princess, and to know she had been made especially for him. He had to use the power of the vow to love her. and the princess had to see why the price didnt want the book, and she had to instead show him how her heart was made up of its pages....for the only reason she had known to love him was that the king loved his son so dearly.but would the prince be brave enough to see she wasnt like the others. would he be willing to make the vow even though she was one of them. would he be able to finnaly see that the king gave them both all they ever needed in his gifts, and if they put thier gifts together they would find all the Love illuminated befor them. The world may never know what happened to this couple. but if you look at the photo of the story I tell, you will see quite well the illumination that they didnt see. how the book and ring complimented eachother to form perfect love.sent to them from a mountain kingdom far above.
with love for marshall not to insult, but to illuminate