Sunday, August 30, 2009


A friend of mine great in her faith gave me a wonderous compliment the other day. she commented thta the more she had looked apon photos of me on face book, she saw me like the helga paintings done by andrew wyeth. she later commented on how they were a set of paintings done not about the woman herself but apon lights effect on her and how we reflect light for God. how do you all see me as a light for God, or in Gods light. or maybe it is more that i know how my lord sees me and how he looks apon the work i do for him. to him i am perfectly made, more beautiful than any other man will see me,even then my parents saw me at my birth, to my Lord i am white as snow,for jesuses blood has washed me clean.Humans are not so free to look apon people this way, we must try harder everyday to strive to be more like our Lord, to forgive and to love and see everyface as beautiful,not fat or thin or sturn or malformed,we need to stive to see how Gods light is reflected on others. what can we do for them, How can we serve? How often do we only serve those we see his light on. in the bible it says that if we feed or cloth the least of his people it is like feeding or clothing him.Can you imagine Jesus walking up to you on the street and asking for a meal and you turning him down. another friend once taught me about the homeless need for christ. Do we see the naked and lowly in shadow alone, or do we see the sliver of Christ that is wanting us to open the shades and let him fully embrace them. I have to admit i have been in the dark lately,I am somewhere i am not happy and so i have stayed bitter and cold.but my friend here has seen something in me i thought was gone, a sliver of light i should be embracing, and sharing, spredding across the word like a light apon a hill. I may just be a helga, a simple woman, not always in the full light,not a modle or an ideal friend even. but I am a beautiful daughter of christ.and need to be reserected from this tomb i have put myself in, and walk out into the full sun. thankyou my friend theresa.