Tuesday, November 17, 2009

embracing the concept ,till death do we part

what does it all really mean...till death do we part. is it saved for those who are always happy 24/7 , for perfect couples. why does no-one elive in forever anymore,why has love become a selfish thing that melts away like the final snowfall of winter.what about clinging to eachother, standing up for eachother, being strong and well when the other is weak and fieble for a time. there is a time for everything,so says the word of God. a time to embrace our differences? something we often miss in even our own children, that sometimes the thing about someone that no-one quite gets, the thing that is awkward, intrusive,difficult....sometimes those are the special things that make that person strong. so who has the ability to stay, to keep thier word, be compleatly honest, embrace those things we find difficult in the people we love. none of us is strong enough on our own...this is a God thing.loving the parts we like about people is easy, but loving the parts we dont like,forgiving thier faults, staying whenthings get tough and standing up to fight for our forevers...all that muct be helped by God. so here it gos a promice to forever let God help

Friday, November 13, 2009

needing to be carried

How many times in my life has there been only that one famos set of footprints. How deep in the sand must they be uder all those burdans I lay on my Lord, Have you ever seen a movie where a man carries a little girl to safty,she is limp from the ocean or the flames or some sort of injery. but he heroicly brings her back to life. I feel like that little girl.I am cured in my fathers arms. and you know what ,he weeps for me. have you ever thought about Jesus weeping for you, for your pain.He knows he can bring you back, but he hates to see you limp and lifeless,lost from his fold.Lord its hard again,how do I ask for you to once again carry me through this storm. How do I admit that all I ever needed to do was trust you. Look for the old road it says when i flip open my bible.....how often do i look for dirrection in that book by chance. that God will ring forth a verse for me...Lord help me know which way to follow.I know when I grow week and weary Lord, I know I will never hit bottom, I know father you will catch me, I know you will lift me just like when I was a small girl,and you will bring me into the time of my life I am suppose to step into....amen