Thursday, September 25, 2008
we are what we eat

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
the insain bin has taken over my life

my insain bin on my desk has become an overfilled mess,along with every other part of my life that is more swamped the loisiana.life is crazy, and trying to move is crazy, and having a family(especialy if it involves a man) is crazy...but the craziness is what makes it all worth wile, right? thats when we have to look back to the instruction book...I have the bible....somepeople claim its old fashioned and doesnt apply to real life...but they have never read the message translation of probvebs. we have 31 days in the longest month and it has 31 chapters...a short way to let God organize your caos for you.....so you may think this is push religion,but I am not even telling anyone to belive....just challenging you to try out the one book,for one month in modern writing,double dog dare you. prople fear change,they fear religion,they fear not being in full control. has anyone else read about the nude rollerblader in portland...I guess some woman rollerblades nude,so they said cover up the genitals so now she rollerblades in a g-string....they even commented on how people werent mad ,just scaired for her safty,how sweet! but why does she go against the grain,why does she do it? to attract attention ,or to feel free in the wind,to tan eavenly? life is caos but is caos a bad thing? what scares you most? maybe you need to exsplore that fear.....and what do you stand against? maybe you need to reserch it and try out the others shoes. back to the bible....my instructionbook to life....it doesnt make me clean my desk or skate fully clothed or even go to church ....it cant make me do anything....in life we are given much advise....sometimes even good advise from crappy sourses. so even if you are against religion,there may be one quote that will lift you out of a hard time....I can say this because I am a collector of quotes...and I have found great ones from confucios,and budda....but I still worship jesus....do ya get it? heres a bit of probverbs 27 in the messege form....take it in and stop judging poeple on their religion,learn from one another.
5 A spoken reprimand is better than approval that's never expressed. 6 The wounds from a lover are worth it; kisses from an enemy do you in. 7 When you've stuffed yourself, you refuse dessert; when you're starved, you could eat a horse. 8 People who won't settle down, wandering hither and yon, are like restless birds, flitting to and fro. 9 Just as lotions and fragrance give sensual delight, a sweet friendship refreshes the soul. 10 Don't leave your friends or your parents' friends and run home to your family when things get rough;Better a nearby friend than a distant family. 11 Become wise, dear child, and make me happy; then nothing the world throws my way will upset me.
Monday, September 22, 2008

yum,just went out for mexican with a friend for a buy one get one free meal,I swear there was a bug in my tamalli,again yum....but the question here is really ,why dont americans eat bugs? I mean when I searched for images of eating bugs I didnt get the acedental bug in your food kinda pics, I got only pics of open air markets selling buckets of yummy bugs(and this wonderful snapshot of corse) so again I should be grateful,and I tryed, I gently pushed it aside checked for more and ate the rest of my wonderfull food...who cares if I did digest a anteni or leg...some starving kid wouldve faught me for that carcus I wasted. but I didnt close down someones reasterant so I guess I am still a good person...and who knows if it wouldve been so juicy and yellow like these I may have asked for seconds....so let me inspire you to try something new today.....speaking of bugs there was a small locust on my ceiling this morning,I put it in a jar to amaize my son,children always like bugs better then adults(hence age of photod child above) I wonder if it wouldve been kinder to eat the locust. there are so many things in our world that people consider wrong that neighbors to us consider right. so I ponder on that...how do we need to react to true diversity(hence again action in pic above) do we share a quick fakeing smile,do we honestly vommit...or do we acept the differnce like simba did in the lion king and simply say"hmmm...slimmy but satisfying"
Sunday, September 21, 2008
moscow in winter

Friday, September 19, 2008
everything is an opertuity to learn

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
the soal inside continuance

to move or not to move

one out of every 4

the potter makes wonderful things from their clay.I recieved from a distant friend a strange gift yesterday i had put in for her to make me some wine cups,and she willingly traded them for the promice of a homade carrot cake, (a borrowed recipe of my somewhat motherin law.)so she pulls these 4 beautiful glazed creations out of her russack and tells me a bird has crapped in one out by her kiln. I quickly notice the bird crapped in the prettiest one. what a surprize gift,wisconson bird crap,personaly delivered,in some counrtys that would be good luck,so I have thought of it as a possitive thing,not just because I will have the satisfaction of serving people wine in that cup and laughing under my breath(well of corse I will wash it first). But what a wonderful way to think of things as our lord Jesus does,sometimes the prettiest soal he makes as the potter,grows up to be the filthiest. this has reminded me to get back to the possitive things,stop complaining,and laugh.
so "what would Jesus do"( to over do that saying somemore) I belive he would spit clean the cup,thatway the person has been blessed with 2 secret ingedients.but more or less he is continuely cleaning us of worse then bird poo, look at our society, the hate, the greed....what I would give to be simple clay,how bout you?
romans 9;21
wandering further