Friday, September 19, 2008

everything is an opertuity to learn

I am using our governments crisis ! does that sound terrible? I am a homeschool mom and my son is starting graphing in math,so what better time for the stocks to be all haywire,the garentee of a change everyday will keep the activity of line graphing interesting. isnt it funny how one persons worst nightmare becomes an oppertunity for another...and the most intriguing part is that both parts learn something.we are all educated from the good and the bad happenings in our lives. what if in everything the gray cloud really was the most fortunate thing that could happen? I mean you never know you could stub your toe and look down to find$100 bill. I am one who belives in fate, destany, karma, divine intervention. I would even go as far as saying my life was based on such odd hapenings. I am a prayer...I ask with full belife that it will happen, and faith that if it doesnt I should be happy it didnt cause it wouldve been terrible. I spend alot of time thanking God for unanswered prayres.but not enough time being gratefull for what I my insperation for you today is to be glad everything thats bad is are becomming so wise from it all.

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