Monday, October 20, 2008

my children exsploring

on the brink of moving to idaho,we are here looking at houses,we just spent a few days at the beach,i could see my kids enjoy the tidepools.i want my kids to have that since of wonder,there is just something mysterious about the sea. the photo is of a mermaid at weeky watchee park,as an adult you know its just a tailed swim suit....but as a child its magic....i dont want to wait till the magic of the sea is gone in thier eyes to share itwith them. i was looking forward to raising them in my bakery,teaching them a family buisiness,working side by side....but now i need to follow...i geuss like she follows the light. look what the little mermaid did for love. can i make thier lives as magical here? can i learn from paul to be content in anything i do? can i fall in love with this place,a home here? time will tell. till then i feel alone in the sea.

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