Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
embracing the concept ,till death do we part

Friday, November 13, 2009
needing to be carried

Sunday, October 25, 2009
painting the sea for winter

I have been listening to this song called get me through december by natalie macmaster there is something beautiful in waiting.
"how pail is the sky that brings forth the rain ,as the changing of seasons prepairs me again ,for the long bitter nights and the wild winters day,my heart has grown cold , my love stowed away, my heart has grown cold ,my love stowed away.Ive been to the mountain ,left my tracks in the snow,where soals have been lost and the weak and wounded go, ive taken the pain no girl should endure but faith can move mountains ,of that i am sure, faith can move mountains of that i am sure,just get me through december,a promice ill remember, get me through december,so i can start again.
no devine purpose brings fredom from sin,and peices of gilt that must come from within,ive looked for the love that will bring me to rest, feeding this hunger beating strong in my chest, feeding this hunger beating stong in my chest, just get me through december,a promice ill remember,get me through december,so i can start again.
ive been to the mountain ,left my tracks in the snow,where soals have been lost and the weak and wounded go, ive taken the pain no girl should endure,but faith can move mountains of that i am sure,faith can move mountains that i am sure,just get me through december, a promice ill remember,get me through december,so i can start again."
beautiful irish music....funny how these little blessings move me, a tree a song, a color of paint. maybe the little things work cause i know how much my Lord loves me. he sees my heart like no-one else can,not marsh,my kids, my mom,my friends. he sees what i long for, and why.he sees all the pain, all I attempt but fail at. he knows my purpose, and I know all i want is to fullfil that place in the world he made me for, so as I wait, as i listen, as I paint, as I dream of the sea...I am here to share my faith, to inspire anyone i can....I want others to see how christ helps us to paint the sea,or whatever moves you to move for His kingdom.look at the tiny thing someone else wouldnt notice, and lift up praise, for maybe women and men even were meant to dream big, for we are all royalty in the house of the Lord.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
why we keep secrets

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
winter friendships

Saturday, September 5, 2009
behond the desert

behond the desert there be light,
behond my heart so full with night.
The sand i see it flows as grain,
It tastes as sweet as heart in pain.
behond i look to salty waves,
to air that wips and blows my bangs.
My soal stands there befor the sea,
and lets Christs light cover me.
he walks with me apon the sand,
and when i need he holds my hand.
out of this dry land i need to go,
surly reaping what i sow.
He leads me though and not around,
his one lost sheep to be found.
HE misses me when I'm away,
He loves me stillalthough I stray.
Oh Lamb of God you are to me,
the salty light that leads to the sea.
The sea i miss,the sea i love,
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Marsh was subject to my religious torture the other night by watching paul. he liked the movie, i was disapointed that it didnt show his death. but being that that part isnt actualy in the bible ,i suppose the movie was acurate enough. But it got marsh thinking and he asked how he died, i couldnt remember, so the next morning I got up and looked it up online and wrote him a note about the history. then the Lord lead me to do something strange, i opened the bible to start to answer another question. we argue alot about parenting our kids.and everytime it comes up i bring up that I parent by the bible and i cant teach him how a father should be without it. but the lord did not lead me to a verse on fathering. he lead me to probverbs 31 instead, so i could show marsh who i should be striving better to be. so i left it open and asked him to read it...i am not for sure that he did this, but this i know. Jesus wants him, and it can not be me hindering him anymore when i was originaly to lead him to christ. I know in my heart that marsh is to be like paul. that someday he will be a stronger disiple then he wouldve ever been if he wouldnt have stood against him first. marsh wasnt shown christ by his parents or steps who all say they are christians, and he was taught that christians are mean by a church group hat didnt treat him right as a child. so often we try to do things in our own power instead of bathing in Gods........"but if we are the body,why arent his arms reaching? why arent his hands healing?why arent hiswords teaching? and if we are the body,why arent his feet going ? why is his love not showing them there is a way... A traveler is far away from home, he sheds his coat and quietly sinks in the back row,the weight of their judgemental glances,tells him that his chances are better out on the road....."by-mark hall
so if we ARE the body why ARENT we being the extention of Christ that we are suppose to be. the real church...thats us...not any denomination...us his hands and feet and heart....we are to know his words and use them how he would,and lead the lost with love. i challenge all who read this to have Christs hands from now on,nails and all.
Thursday, July 23, 2009

found by an old friend,how crazy is that. i have 3 people from high school i have been trying to track down forever,and one just found me. (excuse me for borroring your pic les) I wanted to point lesley out here because she is one of 2 people i ever knew in all my wanderings that i never had to argue with. she had a calm spirit which i hope she still posseses, and i hope i figure out how to acomplish one day. few people take life for what it is, overcome and come out laughing crazily about it...you know that kind of laughing that once they start ,it is contagious, and you get it, and it fills you up....lesley was a friend that spread irriplacable joy. she just found me, so I dont know yet, but i pray that the crulty in life has not taken such a blessed gift from her.I pray she still lives life contagiously.the only thing I found out from her site about her these days is that she has a church....how awsome.I do not think we ever discussed God back then. we were young and talked on foolish subjects like boys and horrible teachers. But destany has called and I hope The LOrd lets us talk on higher ground now.what an opertunity...what a small world. be contagious in His joy
Monday, June 29, 2009
the shell inside

Sunday, May 24, 2009
letting go of old friends

Monday, April 13, 2009
empty easter

Thursday, April 2, 2009
changing waters

Friday, March 20, 2009
got the waiting for summer blues

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
messenger in lost and found

Saturday, February 14, 2009
damaged vessle

Sunday, February 1, 2009
ringing in my ears