Thursday, October 22, 2009

why we keep secrets

There is a question i have been wondering about lately? why do people keep secrets? it seems part of us wants to keep somethings to ourselfs, shame(what if they find out....) fear(what will they do to me if they know....) hope (I hope they will love me even if they find out....)
so why are there so many people carring around these horrible packages,bits of themselfs tied up in brown paper packages in stings. A secret traps the person in themselfs. I have had secrets, that hurt me and everyone i interacted with for years....but maybe secrets are a form of a lie, a dishonesty to ourselfs not allowing us to heal. I know people trying to heal, I know people just recently hurt, I know people hurting from so long ago still. but when will christs love open them up, push aside all fear and free them through open sharing. I have loved people that didnt love me, I have had people phisicaly ,emotionaly,and in everyway hurt me, I have been drugged and had years of flashbacks ,and times i couldnot remember, I have been forced and blackmailed to do things, I have lost children ,one the father never even knew about, I have hoped for things that I could never have, I have stolen,cheated ,lied,swore, cured, damed,manipulated, hid in myself,tryed to be crazy, tryed to die, wanted to kill, coveted so many more sins,of mine, of my parents, of friends and enemys,of lovers and strangers...everyones secrets have affected me...they affect my kids, my boyfriend, my relationship with my lord jesus.
but why may i ask cant we all just be real with the real church supporting eachother......
I urge you to open up, tell your secrets,let yourselfs heal, let others heal...let your faith in Gods healing grace heal you.....
I can garentee you are not alone,someone else needs to know how you got through what you survived,share............someone else survived what you think you cant,ask for help.....someone else is needing your honesty to change thier life.
we can all exspell demonds.....clean up our brave...stand in the armor of the lord and nothing free.....christ gave his life so that you may not have to hide
be open.....let his light shine inside....stop hiding.....let go

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