Following the right path is something everyone stuggles with. For a few years now i have been on the beaten path, forgeting all i know to be true to follow the ways of man. my eyes were filled with images of the world, my ears filled with sounds everyone hears, my mouth with speach everyone speaks. But recently I caught glimps of the path I had forsaken. It was a big risk to take, few had taken it befor, but a master trail carver has carved it, it was extrordinary, and not done in the way of this world, there was a man i reconised walking befor me, a great light shown from him and it illuminated me as I steped onto the path i had strayed from.My Lord was befor me...he was smiling.....for i was returning to his flock again, bouncing along behind him.
I had to take a leap of faith,a leap out of the sinful life that was crushing me. everyone i know who was of the world cursed me,said it would never work, everyone who was of his kingdom cheered me on. And the Lord has provided for us so well, he has healed our cuts and scrapes from the thorns along the wrong path, he has given to us abundance. If you today are standing in sin, and the world looks gray, step into the light of Christ, take a leap out of the sin....follow Jesus. for there is no earthly man worth following, the world will always garenteed let you down, and not live up to your exspectation, it will lie and cheet and act as though it had done nothing wrong to you,the world will blame you, and never commit to you, it will steal the life and the light from you. But you can always come Home, Cause Christ is out serching for you when you stray. God wants his flock to be whole, not a single one lost...return to him, and he will celebrate your arival. only a house built on the Lord can stand
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