Saturday, September 5, 2009

behond the desert


behond the desert there be light,

behond my heart so full with night.

The sand i see it flows as grain,

It tastes as sweet as heart in pain.

behond i look to salty waves,

to air that wips and blows my bangs.

My soal stands there befor the sea,

and lets Christs light cover me.

he walks with me apon the sand,

and when i need he holds my hand.

out of this dry land i need to go,

surly reaping what i sow.

He leads me though and not around,

his one lost sheep to be found.

HE misses me when I'm away,

He loves me stillalthough I stray.

Oh Lamb of God you are to me,

the salty light that leads to the sea.

The sea i miss,the sea i love,
calling me home to a mansion above.

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