Wednesday, October 14, 2009

winter friendships

living from inside,many of us are not looking forward to all the snow, we already have cold feet when it comes to winter. but luckily there is facebook. i use to think facebook was a waste of time, and i would still say that about alot of the available games and aplications.but after spending a year alone in many aspects it is pleasent to read some of the encoraging things people say to one another. and i find myself not pulled in by those i thought i missed quite as much as a handfull of people i have found offering hope to everyone they encounter...high teck love....and nothing to do with dating online. i am talking about christ's love, shared everyday by these few i speak of. it had intreaged me and inspired me to encorage others instead of gossip. It just proves we can choose our own path and always make it the right and honest one even when the internet gives us so much room to lie and be crule.dont get me wrong i still have to tease my cousins a bit,as family gos for a good laugh from all, and sometimes words fall short from grace when someone else has said something out of sorts to me...but i will keep trying to share the best of the human spirit...the holy part...and i encorage you all to use this gift of fast communication for a possitive winter and holiday season to all....and as we grow closser to the holidays, keep Christ in christmas cause he is the reason for the season.bless you all

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