Sunday, October 25, 2009

painting the sea for winter

I have been painting this week, the colors i have chosen are those of the sea, the water the sky, sealions the sunsets.I know God has more for me then what I am now,but I am a lady in waiting, and so when I can control the tears about the sea, I look at the possitive and paint a better life for me. women amounst everyone,feel the slightest twinge of deppression more,maybe it is because we are raised to dream big,with castles and glass slippers, and all. I have always dreamed big, and often my reality fell quite far from my dream. But God blesses us continualy in even the strangest of cercomstance. I once had my christmas tree grow until april,3 inches on each branch as I watered it feably in a yam can tied to an old stump. this year i was blessed with a bright yellow leafed weaping birch wile everyone else in my town had nothing but brown crinkled up frozen leafs.....why do I get these gifts of exstended life,warmth...maybe cause i ave faith that God gives us simple gifts,or maybe because he knows i will take notice and be thankfull.marshall asked me if we had to rake leafs today. and i said i didnt belive in it, God gave me a bright yellow yard when all my neighbors were brown, he provided cover for the animals and a warm blanket for the ground, he knew i would leave enough fruit for the animals and think of him in each gift i prepair for christmas.he even knew when he allowed our house to flood that I would be painting the sea, waiting for my next view of the ocean.

I have been listening to this song called get me through december by natalie macmaster there is something beautiful in waiting.

"how pail is the sky that brings forth the rain ,as the changing of seasons prepairs me again ,for the long bitter nights and the wild winters day,my heart has grown cold , my love stowed away, my heart has grown cold ,my love stowed away.Ive been to the mountain ,left my tracks in the snow,where soals have been lost and the weak and wounded go, ive taken the pain no girl should endure but faith can move mountains ,of that i am sure, faith can move mountains of that i am sure,just get me through december,a promice ill remember, get me through december,so i can start again.
no devine purpose brings fredom from sin,and peices of gilt that must come from within,ive looked for the love that will bring me to rest, feeding this hunger beating strong in my chest, feeding this hunger beating stong in my chest, just get me through december,a promice ill remember,get me through december,so i can start again.
ive been to the mountain ,left my tracks in the snow,where soals have been lost and the weak and wounded go, ive taken the pain no girl should endure,but faith can move mountains of that i am sure,faith can move mountains that i am sure,just get me through december, a promice ill remember,get me through december,so i can start again."

beautiful irish music....funny how these little blessings move me, a tree a song, a color of paint. maybe the little things work cause i know how much my Lord loves me. he sees my heart like no-one else can,not marsh,my kids, my mom,my friends. he sees what i long for, and why.he sees all the pain, all I attempt but fail at. he knows my purpose, and I know all i want is to fullfil that place in the world he made me for, so as I wait, as i listen, as I paint, as I dream of the sea...I am here to share my faith, to inspire anyone i can....I want others to see how christ helps us to paint the sea,or whatever moves you to move for His kingdom.look at the tiny thing someone else wouldnt notice, and lift up praise, for maybe women and men even were meant to dream big, for we are all royalty in the house of the Lord.

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