Sunday, February 21, 2010

still afloat

There are times in life when we realize we are not sinking,when we are not really flailing either. times that we float through. we let the bad drift past us,under us the unknown, and we focus on the blue sky, the clouds everchanging.We have been through rough waters,shipwreaked,shaken by the storm.....But.... we are still afloat. and the key is simple joy.A gift from above. Joy takes place wile Gods grace mends us from our stuggles.there is a time to look inward,what had we planned, what was the sideroad we took,where are our battle scars. and did we really loose? Or maybe, just maybe. we simply be...... can you forget about the dangers in the deep, and simply feel the breese against your cheek.can you alow yourself to float without worring which way you will drift with the currant. what in your life is weihing you down? let it go, let it fall to the bottom of the sea, it will keep there like the titanics treasures. it may not have been yours to keep for always.sometimes when we let a dream go that we have not yet reached we hold in bitterness. but we must let that go too. for everything we let go of brings something beter here forth befor us. we hold ourselfs back in life with fears of loss and failure. and i asure you i have endured both . but I am still happy I had the bits and peaces i have had, and i am confident as I drift along in life, that wile i look up, and i leave my troubles in the sea, that I am floating over a million pearls that have formed out of things i have sent to the depths. and in that thought they have become smooth and cool and beautiful and i am no-longer afraid of the past, so I can simply concentrate at looking up, at feeling the wamth if the sun, at smelling the crisp salt air. and sure i can hear the siriens of the deep,but they cant drag me down. for i have learned to float by on faith. have you?

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