Monday, July 26, 2010

greatful enough

I will admit i have been struggling lately with greatfulness. God has taken us out of the bad situation and provided for us as I had great faith he would. But i find my exspectations of him providing were too high, I exspected a wonderful house, where i could hear the ocean ,not the hyway. I exspected a job where i would actually be cooking, I exspected more of everything. What i am forgetting ,is that i forgot to ask for specifics, i thought i would be greatful for anything, and i was wrong about me.....Oh what a hinderance, could this be pride.
There is a story of 10 leppers, jesus heals them all, but only one returns to thank him. I am disapointed in myself, I thought i was like that one, I thought i didnt stuggle with this.
It is so funny How quickly God can turn us in twards his ways. I have to sit now and think, yes i had a home with lots of things,but i had no church home. yes a had a comfortable bed ,but I had no rest . I had abundant fruit trees, but was not producing spiritual fruit. I had a life of sin and loss and lonelyness cause i had been turning a deaf ear to God.And now he has oppened a world of doors to my family and I find myself complaining . This is where i am stuck...if i had asked my God for specifics, would he have taken that as me being selfish, or provided what i asked, maybe my faith isnt as strong as I thought. or maybe i need to learn true greatfulness. and know that what God has for me may not be done yet, and that everything that he has provided will eventualy lead to the better life i wanted,but more then that to the will he has for me. now many of you know i wanted to go be a missionary a few years back,But I am seeing now that through everything else that happened instead, I have learned what i wasnt prepared for yet. I couldnt deal with persecution in my own home, so how would I have delt out there,I fell short and now i am being shown where and how to fix it. sometimes we think we are ready to give everything up for God, but are we really ready to do what he wants , instead of what we want.
so starting now I am going to do two things, work on praying for speciffics, and work on being greatful for all I am given cause its Gods will. And let us all remember that God wants to give us good things,and to satisfy the desires of our heart,but as our father he must disern those things we want that are truely not good for us. it only starts with faith, then there has to be trust, and of corse gratitude.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

the power of truth

What has become of real truth in our society, now it is like a leprocy to tell the truth. Honest people ,or even those striving for total honesty have become the minority. When did it become wrong to admit your mistakes, to appologize or feel remorse. everyone is self justified now. But I will tell you I am imperfect. Thats why i am a Christian.Many people belive Christians are hypocrits, and that is true i will omit, hence really we are all hypocrits. Jesus came here not for the people that were OK ,he came for the sick, the Lost and fosaken, the loosers, the robbers, the tax collectors and prostitutes. He came here for me , cause I was a wretch... But as many people who come to him to pray the prayre of jebez, I asked to be honest, And Jesus is the truth so who else to better teach honesty. I normaly would use metephores of me beeing like water, or My god as my rock....but here i am gonna throw another concept out to you... I am this rock, I was very riged, hardened by being unloved, My Lord is the ocean, and we clash like you wouldnt beleave. He trys to hold me tight but I send him back to sea in my stuborn human form, but he comes back and embraces me again, and again , till my heart is worn smooth, He never gives up on me, And hes not going to give up on you either. But dear friends we need to not give up on truth....we need to hold eachother accountable, stop saying it was all my fault, I will say gladly what was my fault, I know my side, but stand up and say what was your fault,honesty feels amazing.....let that water crash up and pull out any want to tell a little lie,even if its to protect, even if the motives are right.....always be honest,always....let your heart of stone fall away and see the truth....not simply my opinion of truth....but the real truth.JESUS WANTS YOU MAN... HE WANTS TO HOLD YOU...NOT JUST CAUSE I TRYED TO GET YOU TO SEE...BUT CAUSE HE LOVED YOU SINCE BEFOR YOU WERE BORN...we are all wrong...but Jesus is always right, cause he was always loving,compassionate, commited.Do you know what they do with sand, they make glass that floats on water. do you know what Jesus does with the bits and peices he breaks off of your hearts of stone...he reforms you to walk on water....he gives you a faith to do anything. You can take a rock, grind it up and blow it out to an orb shape...and you dont see the stone anymore, you see light and beauty....and that is You as an honest vessle of God.

Monday, July 5, 2010

following the right path

Following the right path is something everyone stuggles with. For a few years now i have been on the beaten path, forgeting all i know to be true to follow the ways of man. my eyes were filled with images of the world, my ears filled with sounds everyone hears, my mouth with speach everyone speaks. But recently I caught glimps of the path I had forsaken. It was a big risk to take, few had taken it befor, but a master trail carver has carved it, it was extrordinary, and not done in the way of this world, there was a man i reconised walking befor me, a great light shown from him and it illuminated me as I steped onto the path i had strayed from.My Lord was befor me...he was smiling.....for i was returning to his flock again, bouncing along behind him.
I had to take a leap of faith,a leap out of the sinful life that was crushing me. everyone i know who was of the world cursed me,said it would never work, everyone who was of his kingdom cheered me on. And the Lord has provided for us so well, he has healed our cuts and scrapes from the thorns along the wrong path, he has given to us abundance. If you today are standing in sin, and the world looks gray, step into the light of Christ, take a leap out of the sin....follow Jesus. for there is no earthly man worth following, the world will always garenteed let you down, and not live up to your exspectation, it will lie and cheet and act as though it had done nothing wrong to you,the world will blame you, and never commit to you, it will steal the life and the light from you. But you can always come Home, Cause Christ is out serching for you when you stray. God wants his flock to be whole, not a single one lost...return to him, and he will celebrate your arival. only a house built on the Lord can stand