Sunday, May 24, 2009

letting go of old friends

sometimes people change, maybe its good for them ,but maybe its bad for you.I have had a friend for years that always reminded me of a gypsy.she never understood how I used the term,thout it was about her cloths,or how she lived out of a backpack always.but it was always more about her free spirit.I was a single mom who kept too tight hold on everything,and was always looking for a way to throw caution to the wind,she was the free bird that needed her feet on the ground.we balanced. but lately that balance has been thrown out of wack,maybe we have both learned what there was to learn from eachother,or maybe things behond our control has ruined those parts of us forever.All I know is this part of my life is closing,and I am comfortable with that.apon leaving I made my friend face her worst fear.and maybe that was crule.but I needed to teach her the one thing she could learn best from me. my stenth to stand up for myself.the friendship has become a burden,my life also has changed,I have found some freedom in being captivatedly captive.I know now why the cadged bird sings. and I am ready finaly for this new chapter in my life to unfold befor me.she on the otherhand has become a reprencentation of things about myself I want to let go of. all my sin and sorrow of being single,why someone should be and remain single, the flaws of the world embracing you. I now want to be the one to exsplore new lands in my well organized backpack,with my free spirited kids. and a man I have far too much compassion for,but it suits me one weekend I have tranformed by letting go into someone joyfilled again.Amen

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